31 March 2009


Right - we want everybody to answer the following questions for the last TSLR of this vile season. Please email us your answers to tslr@hotmail.co.uk with the most funny, philisophical, downright odd answers will appear along with the outpur of other Albion brethren in a super ace feature of which we have not decided on a name yet. Here's the questions, get busy, don't forget to give a name (nickname, whatever) location and age when submitting!

1 - what happened this season?
2 - what will happen next season?
3 - best game of 08/09?
4 - worst game of 08/09?
5 - funniest thing of 08/09?
6 - what are you looking forward to next season?
7 - which town are you most looking forward to visiting next season?
8 - favourite russell slade look-a-like?
9 - favourite meal at little chef?
10 - what hobby will you take up during pre-season?

That's it, we look forward to hearing from you! Deadline is 8th April ahead of TSLR009's release for the Swindon game. Is it Swindon? Who cares.

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