2 February 2011


Being lost in my London tribe, it's sometimes surprising how immersed I find myself in London life. Last night, through gritted teeth and the remembrance I have utter contempt for Leyton Orient, I spent the whole time telling Albionites how Orient are Barry Hearn's 'lost tribe of East London' - a point seemingly not known on the south coast. I was, of course, referring to these comments made by Hearn last week. Comments that initially made me feel sorry for Hearn, Orient, and indeed that lost tribe but a feeling that didn't make it to last night's journey home replaced by the hope that Tottenham or West Ham do move in to the Olympics Stadium post London 2012 and Orient's already diminished support diminishes further. But that's just because I'm a bitter person.

We were hardly great last night, but we are still top. Elliott Bennett made a mockery of his inflated price tag and the whole team's passing was shocking, at least only for once. The fact we're now only one point clear at the top made me do a lot of thinking last night. When will Bournemouth, if ever, start losing? Will Southampton get closer? Huddersfield are looking good. But, as with any thoughts I have, I drank through them and passed out in bed.

On a slightly more positive note, the away length in Leyton was buzzing; the new Bennett song was simply stupendous; we almost sold out of TSLR026 (don't worry, there's still a couple left for Bristol); we didn't lose; east London beer is cheaper than north London beer; and we are still top. It'll be the home games that will win us promotion so don't be downhearted, even if we relinquish the divisional lead on Saturday, as long as we win at the Withers.

And finally, there was shock and horror at TSLR Towers last night as we discovered that the last remaining Ruffian badge had gone missing. If anyone finds it on the streets of Leyton then please post it to the usual address. If that one doesn't get discovered, do keep an eye out for new Ruffian badges as an order will now have to be placed - what else is my life for other than explaining what it means to baffled non-Albionites?

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