11 February 2011


After many sleepless nights, hassling poor contributors and writing the odd word or two, we are pleased to announce that TSLR027 - the almost Division 3 Championship issue - will be hitting the streets of Withdean tomorrow before the game. Thanks to all those that helped out and thanks to all you that will throw golden looking coins at our sellers tomorrow. This month's offering has many an article to keep you sat on the toilet for far longer than you ever needed to:

-Try your hand at a Uruguayan barbecue
-Reminisce about the second Fan's United, in romantic Gillingham on Valentine's Day
-Look back in happiness with Withdreams #7
-Ponder why there's barely a mention of the Elliott Bennett saga
-Forget to leave Withers tomorrow as you read our extended News in Briefs
-Guffaw at Mike Sword
-Express delight at Flairwatch and the subsequent Flair Icon
-Cry with happiness at Midfield Diamond
-Sing with joy over Marco van Bastard
-Wet the baby's head with Carter
-Explore mid-Sussex with Haywards Heath Ledger
-And much more besides...

TSLR027 - available at all Albion games from tomorrow until 8 March. If we've drunk too much on an exciting away day outing and we're hiding in the gutter, then why not purchase a copy online? There's only three more issues before the summer, so get one while you can.

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