17 March 2011


For those of you out in Internetland who follow us on Twatter, you will already be well aware of the fact that sometimes, however good the day job may be, boredom sets in. On Wednesday, this fate befell my good self and I edited a Wikipedia page for the first time since I suggested Scott McGleish had been arrested for crimes against football. I have previous bad form on this one. Having lost a bet during the World Cup last year that Buckaroo was not a board game, I decided to change the entry to state it was. That edit lasted two minutes. The McGleish one lasted less. Another one I wrote suggested I am the King of London - that lasted 20 seconds and The Seagull Love Review was not considered worthy enough of an entry.

I am pleased to report that, almost two days later, my minimal change to Fran Sandaza's page is still in tact. The key, we must assume, is to avoid swearing. If you have any similar hilarious Wikipedia changes, then drop us a line at tslr@hotmail.co.uk and you never know, you could make it into the paper version of the 'zine.

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