18 November 2011


Not like us to bring a new fanzine out at an away game, and especially one when everyone will be really focussed on the game, but with the match a near sell-out we couldn't resist!

Still £1, this month's issue is packed with writing, so if you need something to read on the train home then try and get your hands on one.

This game is going to be quite heated probably so stewards may not take kindly to us flogging 'zines on the concourses, who know.

Anyway, inside this new issue; a few features covering the hot topics like Homopies and Pigletsphobia, some fiction, some non-fiction, reviews, previews, regular commentators, irregular commentators, poetry, lazy journalism and between 10 and 20 LOLS depending on your personality.

There's also a competition to enter, blimey.

For those who can't make the matches there will be a link on here very soon so you can buy it online and we'll put it in the post.

Thanks to all our contributors for their fine work again this month.

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