16 March 2012

A SUMMARY OF 2011/12

We'll be up at Blackpool tomorrow; why not purchase the new issue of TSLR for the long journey home? In fact, at a solitary £1, if it was me and I hadn't read the thing at least 6 times, I would buy another copy for the journey home because it's unlikely you will be bringing your copy from last weeks game in your bumbag.


We've also been busy doing some other writing, and yes, you might be surprised that we are invited to write for other people, but it does happen!

One of the best blogs out there, described by The Guardian as "an excellent compendium for the Football League fan" - The Seventy Two - asked us to pen a bit about about our c-razy season (so far), and pen we did.

Read it HERE if you're a lover, not a hater.

Guest pieces for other respected oracles are on the way, plus something for a not so respected oracle too.  We'll keep you posted.

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