Remarkably, TSLR now has four separate stocklists across the Brighton area, other than the area at Falmer (pictured above) and other areas dotted around the ground where you can find a copy of your favourite fanzine. After years of distribution akin to that of Michel Kuipers in his glory days, we thought it a good idea to hook up with a few commercial outlets for all those who are don’t manage to pick up a copy of TSLR at football matches. Don’t worry, we’ll still be flogging issues of the fanzine at games, especially at Falmer, but for reasons unbeknown to us, some people still complain about missing their fill. Those people can be categorised into the below...
1) People in too much of a hurry for the toilet / beer / Piglet’s Pantry pie when getting to Falmer
2) Albionites who forget their pound coin as their season ticket is loaded with enough money to quench their refreshment need
3) Those who get stuck in queue at Brighton Station so don't get to Falmer in time to see us
4) People who think they’ve already bought the issue we’re flogging
5) Those who find inane chat with their TSLR seller simply too much to bother with
6) Away Albionites who can’t find us at away matches because we’ve spent too much time in the pub / drinking on the train
7) And some who can’t find us at away matches because those mean stewards have told us not to flog ‘em within their (usually crumbling old) football ground
As a result, we now have four amazingly nice, proper businesses - each with a plastic holder which should be containing a few copies of the latest issue of TSLR. If they don’t, it will have been our re-stocking ineptitude so please don’t criticise them or they may never stock it again (like the Sportsman at Withers who scrapped their stocklisting after one particularly poor month of sales in 2009). Seriously though, thanks to all the people whose businesses are risking reputational damage by selling our collection of Albion related-ish drivel that’ll roll up and fit in your back pocket. Our new stocklists are:

So it turns out whilst picking up your four copies of each TSLR, you can also grab a comic, a sarnie, a drink and put a load of your hard earned cash on the Albion winning the league. And, after all that, you can read the latest issue of the best (and only) Albion fanzine. Happy days.
You can still purchase issues of TSLR (and the increasingly large collection of TSLR tat) through our online shop as well, so that’s five stocklists really. See you at Falmoid tomorrow.
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